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10 Best Sports for Busy Yuppies, & Add Martial Arts to the Menu!

We all know that young, working professionals are restless and live a fast-paced life. Frequently, this age group finds it difficult to keep a balance among work, play, family life and even romantic life. Thus, this imbalance helps them live a sedentary lifestyle and worse, acquire illnesses due to inactivity and stressful and unhealthy lifestyle. I know that we all have 24 hours in a day and having tight work schedule keeps a person from staying active and living a healthy lifestyle.

Truth be told, I also let myself become a victim of a stressful and unhealthy lifestyle. Even if I know that I am not living it right, I still continued with what I am doing until I’ve experience an alarming situation; being sick and not feeling well over my overall health condition.

I’ve enlisted exercises that I find fit for the busy yuppies like me who can at the same time find time to relax every once in a while. Here they are:

Running is a great way to get into shape and can also benefit almost every part of the body, as well as the mood. Running is remarkably effective at making someone healthier in a number of ways. While it may not be everybody's favorite sports or exercise, knowing what it can do for the health may make someone look at running in an entirely new perspective. Some of the benefits of running are (it) Improves Health, Prevents Disease, Helps to lose Weight, Boosts Confidence, Relieves Stress and Eliminates Depression.

Walking is a great way to improve or maintain one's overall health. By just 30 minutes of walking daily, it can increase cardiovascular fitness, strengthen bones, reduce excess body fat and boost muscle power and endurance. Walking can also reduce the risk of developing conditions such as heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, Osteoporosis and some Cancers. Unlike some other form of sports and exercises, walking is free and doesn’t require any special equipment or training.

Cycling is one of the easiest ways to fit exercise into someone’s daily routine because it's also a form of transport. Not only that it saves money and also gets someone to be fit and is good for the environment. It's a low-impact type of exercise; it's easier on the joints than running or other high-impact activities, but it still helps someone get into shape. The best way to build cardiovascular fitness on the bike is to ride for at least 150 minutes every week. A busy person can cycle to work a few days a week or do a couple of shorter rides during the week with a longer ride at the weekend.

Trekking is an activity in which people take multi-day hiking trips through rural, often rugged territory. Many people who are trekkers go for longer trips through entire regions of the world, using trekking as a way of getting from place to place. It also can be incorporated with other outdoor sports, such as rock climbing or backpacking.

Working out is basically an exercise that is more intense or more challenging than the usual exercise. It is something about achieving and maintaining a goal for a period of time. Here are some basic benefits of a work-out: 1. It Controls Weight. 2. It combats health conditions and diseases. 3. It improves mood. 4. It boosts energy. 5. It promotes better sleep. 6. It contributes a lot to improving one’s sex life. 7. It is fun. To sum it all, working-out and physical activity are a great way to feel better, gain health benefits and have fun. As a goal, for majority that is, it is advisable to take at least 30 minutes of physical activity daily. Losing weight or meeting specific fitness goals may need an increase in exercise time and intensity.

Mountaineering/Mountain Climbing
Mountaineering or the sport of climbing mountains is simply one of the finest outdoor opportunities available to the lover of high places. Mountain climbing is all about challenge and perseverance, about putting hands and feet onto rocks and ice and snow and finally reaching a summit. High above the world of cities and civilization, the payoff of a long and painful task is to look across a natural world ruled by nature and her raw beauty.

Mountain Biking
Mountain biking can be performed almost anywhere from a backyard to a gravel road, but the majority of mountain bikers ride off-road trails, whether country back roads, fire roads, or single-track (narrow trails that wind through forests, mountains, deserts, or fields). There are aspects of mountain biking that are more similar to trail running than regular bicycling. Because riders are often far from civilization, there is a strong ethic of self-reliance in the sport. Riders learn to repair their broken bikes or flat tires to avoid being stranded miles from help. Many riders will carry a backpack, including a water bladder, containing all the essential tools and equipment for trailside repairs, and many riders also carry emergency supplies in the case of injury miles from outside help.

Wall Climbing/Indoor Climbing
Wall Climbing is an artificially constructed wall with grips for hands and feet, usually used for indoor climbing, but sometimes located outdoors. Some are brick or wooden constructions, but on most modern walls, the material most often used is a thick multiplex board with holes drilled into it. Manufactured steel and aluminum have also been used. The wall may have places to attach belay ropes, but may also be used to practice lead climbing or bouldering.

MMA (Mixed Martial Arts)
MMA is a full-contact combat sport that allows the use of both striking and grappling techniques, both standing and on the ground, from a variety of other combat sports and martial arts. Various mixed-style contests took place throughout Europe, Japan and the Pacific Rim during the early 1900s. The combat sport of valetudo that had developed in Brazil from the 1920s was brought to the United States by the Gracie family in 1993 with the founding of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC). Although MMA goes back a long way in history (of contact sports), many notable MMA fighters consider Bruce Lee as the father of Mixed Martial Arts.

You can also enroll at a martial art school in qld australia for kids and adults. Learn discipline, healthy living and enjoy life to the fullest.

for some, surfing is an outlet for anxiety and stress as well as inlet for nature and satisfaction. It is also a connection between the rider and the ocean, the board acting as some semi-conductor of magnetic and gravitational forces pulsing from the center the sprawling expanse of nature itself. This sports relaxes the rider once he/she already knows the basics. Balance is important in this sport, which also serves to remind everyone of us to strike a balance in our life.

So, have you chosen your new sports? Spare some time off from work and get fit and start striking a balance in your life by engaging into sports. We all want longevity after all.


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